The Sweet Network is an ongoing series of collaborative honeycombs created on the ground that
visualize community connections.

Each Sweet Network asks participants to reflect on two questions:

1) What is something you offer to your community?
2) What is something you receive or need more of
from your community?

  • Build Peace Conference 2023

    Nairobi, Kenya

    Our pilot installation of The Sweet Network, produced in collaboration with hundreds of participants from nearly 40 countries, working to build peace and dialogue on and offline.

  • Ellsworth Drive Pedestrian Plaza

    Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

    400-foot-long pedestrian plaza mural with community honeycomb contributions. We worked with local arts organization Arts on the Block, and the results are buzzing.

  • Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery

    Washington, DC, USA

    As part of the museum’s annual Community Activism Day, we facilitated this beehive to help spark conversation about how we define community in our home city.

Testimonials from Project Partners

β€œParticipants became active agents in shaping the project, adding honeycombs with 'offers' and 'asks' for the community. The result was a beautiful beehive, prompting reflection on what new paths we can create towards a peaceful future together. For us, Sweet Network demonstrated how art can unite people, transforming a simple space - in this case, an empty pool! - into a hub of creativity, exchange, and reflection. Working with Chalk Riot was a great experience, they are flexible, engaging, and always with a smile on their face!"

β€” Rita Costa Cots, Build Peace Arts & Personhood Director

β€œIn the fourth year of painting our pedestrian plaza, this design highlights the creative voices and contributions of our youth, and shows the world that Silver Spring is a loving, vibrant and diverse community,”

β€” Laurie Yankowski, Peterson Properties Regional Marketing Director

Our Process

This is an active webpage. This project has grown faster than we can create content about it! Come back soon to see photos and more stories from these installations.

Interested in bringing a Sweet Network to your community? Please fill out our inquiry form or email